Tulsi or also known by the name of holy basil is a popular herb that belongs to the family of Lamiaceae and is known for its immense helpful properties. This plant can be commonly found in every household. Tulsi has…
Tulsi or also known by the name of holy basil is a popular herb that belongs to the family of Lamiaceae and is known for its immense helpful properties. This plant can be commonly found in every household. Tulsi has…
In terms of weight loss and weight management, nothing can match the efficiency of keeping tabs on every calorie which goes into the body. Several nutritionists from across the world suggest that it is beneficial to take calorie-dense food with foods…
Vitamin K is also known as Phytonadione. It is an essential vitamin for the body that helps to build strong bones, maintain healthy blood vessels, and also enable the body to heal wounds quickly. Vitamin K1 is rich in foods like green…
For the overall well-being and health of an individual, the gut plays a very important role. It plays various roles in the body related to weight, immune function, Serotonin production (the happy feel-hormone which is produced by the gut), etc. Often the factors…
Bones are a vital part of the body. They provide the body with a frame, support the body structure, and enable movement. Another prime function of bones is to protect the heart, brain, and other body organs from injury. Further, bones…
It is said that an individual perceives 80% of their senses with the help of their eyes. One of the most vital parts of our health and senses is our eyes. Without the presence of eyes, we cannot perceive the…