
Ways of Preventing Kidney Diseases

Kidneys are one of the vital organs of our body that help effectively filter out all waste and extra fluid from the blood, allowing them to be removed from the body in the form of urine. They play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy balance of salts, minerals, and water in the blood. Without this balance, nerves, tissues, and muscles would not function effectively. However, despite the importance of the kidneys, we often tend to neglect taking care of this organ, leading to an increased risk of kidney diseases such as kidney stones and kidney failure. There are some key strategies that, if followed, can help prevent kidney diseases.

If you also wish to take proper care of your kidneys and thereby stay fit and active, and you want to learn about the strategies that help prevent kidney diseases, this article is for you. In this article, we will discuss a few ways in which you can take care of your kidneys and keep kidney diseases at bay:

Best Ways to Prevent Kidney Diseases

Below is a list of key strategies which, if followed help in preventing kidney diseases:

Get a Regular Checkup

One of the most prominent strategies for preventing kidney diseases is to get regular checkups from doctors. Always prefer to visit a nephrologist as they specialize in treating kidney diseases. The doctor will check your kidneys using two simple tests: one is a urine test, and the other is a blood test. The urine test is known as the albumin creatinine ratio, which checks for the presence of albumin in your urine. Similarly, a blood test, also known as the glomerular filtration rate, checks how well the kidneys are working to remove waste from the body.

Get a Regular Checkup

Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Another effective strategy that significantly helps in preventing kidney diseases is managing the blood sugar levels in the body. Blood sugar levels in the body can be influenced by several factors, with some prominent ones being stress, illness, and hormones. Often, high blood sugar levels in the body can cause blood vessels in the kidneys to narrow and become clogged. This can not only lead to damage to the blood vessels but also harm the kidneys. If you are suffering from diabetes, try to manage your blood sugar levels through the most effective methods or by taking medications to control them.

Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Control Blood Pressure

Controlling blood pressure is another way to prevent kidney diseases. High blood pressure can cause significant damage to the kidneys and deteriorate kidney health gradually. Even though your doctor might suggest taking medications to control high blood pressure, other methods for preventing kidney diseases by controlling blood pressure include making lifestyle changes, losing excess weight, and exercising regularly, among other strategies.

Control Blood Pressure

Also Read: Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Eat a Healthy Diet

Apart from the general strategies, another prominent and effective strategy that every health expert suggests for preventing kidney diseases is to maintain a healthy diet. You can choose to include numerous foods that work wonders in preventing kidney diseases. A balanced and healthy diet can reduce the risk of kidney diseases by maintaining healthy levels of blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. You can incorporate foods recommended for kidney health, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, pulses, and starchy foods like potatoes, rice, and bread, into your diet.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Manage Alcohol Intake

You can also prevent kidney diseases by managing your alcohol intake. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various problems, such as high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels, which can eventually result in kidney diseases. However, strategies for preventing kidney diseases also include reducing alcohol intake or choosing not to drink alcohol to promote kidney health.

Manage Alcohol Intake

Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly is considered another effective way to prevent kidney diseases. Regular exercise helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing kidney disease. It is recommended to engage in regular exercise for at least 2 hours to maintain good health effectively.

Exercise Regularly

Stop Smoking

Smoking significantly increases the risk of various types of heart diseases, including stroke and heart attack. However, the best way to prevent kidney diseases is by choosing not to smoke. Quitting smoking will not only improve your health but also enhance the health of your two vital organs, the kidneys and lungs.

Stop Smoking

Also Read: Best Products to Help You Quit Smoking

Limit Usage of Pain Killers

Pain medicines, also known as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), can contribute to kidney diseases. Using an excessive amount of these painkillers can significantly increase the risk of various types of kidney diseases, including kidney stones. Increased usage of pain medicines can reduce blood flow to the kidneys and consequently harm kidney tissues. Therefore, to prevent kidney diseases, consult with your doctor before taking any NSAIDs and avoid using them excessively.

Limit Usage of Pain Killers

Limit High Oxalate Content Food

Kidney stones are often caused by the consumption of high-oxalate foods. Therefore, to prevent kidney diseases like kidney stones, you can consider trying the kidney stones diet, which can reduce the chances of kidney stone formation.

Limit High Oxalate Content Food

Avoid High Salt Intake

Consuming foods with high sodium or salt intake can lead to the formation of calcium in urine, further increasing the risk of kidney stone formation. Therefore, to prevent kidney diseases, avoid foods with high salt intake.

Avoid High Salt Intake

Summing Up

Many of us do not give much thought to our hardworking kidneys and instead lead a lifestyle that poses a significant threat to them, increasing the chances of various kidney diseases. When our kidneys do not function properly, it can lead to the buildup of waste products and fluids in the body and can contribute to various other health ailments. Moreover, if the conditions worsen, the kidneys can stop working, posing a life-threatening challenge to your health. However, with strategies for preventing kidney diseases, you can maintain your kidney health. In the above article, we have discussed various strategies helpful for preventing kidney diseases, including exercising regularly, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and more.

Written by Jagannadh Ch