
Sea Salt Vs Table Salt

Salt is an essential ingredient in a dish. It significantly improves the taste of the dish. We realize the importance when it is missing in the food. Works as a flavoring agent in both cooking and baking. It not only ameliorates the taste of the dish but also neutralizes bitterness. It acts as a preservative too. Many pickles last for 1 or 2 years: the main reason being the usage of salt in them. It is made up of sodium chloride. These two minerals sodium and chlorine are crucial in nerve communication, proper blood pressure, and other metabolic processes.

A human body is comprised of 72% water, 28% salt, and other materials. Our human body has fluid material inside and outside of the cells. Balancing these fluids makes our body healthy. It is responsible to attain this balance. Eating it in moderation is life-nourishing. Excess consumption causes an increase in blood pressure. It is produced by evaporating the sodium chloride mines or seawater. There are different kinds with different textures and shades. Out of those let us know the difference between sea salt and table salt. Which is best for us?

Sea Salt

As the name denotes, it is obtained by evaporating seawater. This is highly salty depending on where it is obtained. It contains fewer iodine traces. It is rich in trace minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium depending on the water source. The water source is the main reason to get the flavor and color. It is used in both savory and sweet recipes due to its fine or medium-grained coarseness.

Table Salt

All types are made up of sodium chloride, no matter which you prefer. But, it is the most common variety that we use in our daily life. It is produced by evaporating natural salt at high temperatures. Iodized salt is another name for it. The minerals are removed because of processing at high temperatures. Adding calcium silicate to it prevents clumping. Adding potassium iodide reduces the impact of goiter. It is also used in savory dishes and baking.

Which Is Better?

Both the types have the same nutritional value but there are some differences:

  • Composition: Both have 40% sodium by weight and contain the same sodium content.
  • Texture: Sea salt comes in different textures, from fine to coarse that contain large crystals. Its crystals have a coarser mouthfeel. This works as the best finishing agent for meats, vegetables, chocolates, and sweets. It adds a pleasing crunch or complex flavor. Table salt is found in a fine powder form.
  • Iodine: Table salt is processed with iodine. It can help in preventing iodine deficiency. Whereas, sea salt is not iodized.
  • Trace minerals: Sea salt contains trace minerals like magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, and potassium. Because it is not processed. These minerals give a different taste to it. Table salt does not contain any minerals because it is processed. But, it contains anti-caking agents that prevent clumps.

Nutritional Difference

Sodium is an essential mineral that our body requires to maintain the normal function of muscles and nerves and to balance body fluids. Sodium is found in many foods that we take daily. It is highly available in salt because it is made up of sodium chloride. Both table and sea salts contain around 40% sodium by weight. Sea salt contains larger crystals compared to table salt. So, a spoon of table salt contains more amount of sodium compared to the other one. An average adult must take 10 grams of sodium chloride in a day. So, it is recommended to take sea salt rather than table salt.

Health Benefits

Table salt is also known as iodized salt because it is processed with iodine. Iodine is an element that helps in the growth of the thyroid gland. Our body doesn’t generate iodine on its own. It must be taken through our diet. An insufficient amount of thyroid leads to a condition called goiter. Table salt prevents goiter.

Sea salt also has many benefits such as:

  • Helps in calming skin irritation
  • When used as a part of the warm bath it flare-ups in people with eczema
  • Due to high levels of magnesium, increases hydration
  • Reduces skin roughness in people with dry skin

There is a debate about the importance of table salt vs sea salt. Till now there is no conclusion on which is better to add to our diet. Which is better in both? So, we should mainly focus on taking a moderate amount in the diet. Consuming moderately is a key to good health. Reduce eating processed foods because it contains sodium content. Excess eating of sodium chloride causes blood pressure issues.

Written by Jagannadh Ch