
Effective Remedies for Pimples at Home

Do pimples make you say no to close-up photographs? Do you use too much of portrait selfies, snap chat filters, insta modes, make-up, scarfs to hide them away? Tried every cream in the market to get rid of acne? We feel you. Pimples usually get daunting and can make one lose his/her self-esteem. American Academy of Dermatology state that at least 85% of people from the age group 12 to 24*, experience acne (at least minor acne).

How to Deal with Acne/Pimples without Spending Lots of Money

Shelling out buck load of money for creams, medicines, make-up items, treatments, may not necessarily be the best way to get around pimples or acne. Not only do they drain your pocket but also tag along with undesired side effects such as dryness, redness, irritation, etc., owing to harmful chemicals used in most products.

Below are a few simple hacks on how to treat acne naturally at home. Natural home remedies to treat acne and pimples without wasting time, money and other resources:

Note: Home remedies, right foods, enough sleep may help to treat mild to moderate acne. Intense acne might require professional help.

1. Skin Care Routine: Begin with a healthy skincare routine. Cleanse, exfoliate, scrub, mask, tone, moisturize and sunblock. Each product must be chosen keeping ingredients in mind. Don’t forget to be gentle while using the products.

2. Heat/Cold Therapy: A regular hot water face steam helps. As an alternative extreme, wrap few ice cubes in a thin cloth and gently place them on your acne spots. Repeat a couple of times every week.

3. Apply Green Tea: Prepare green tea (preferably with fresh green tea leaves instead of a green tea bag). In case of a bag, use the green tea water in a spray bottle to spray it on, or use cotton balls to apply the liquid to your face. Once dry, wash with cool water and pat dry. In the case of leaves, filter the tea away from the leaves and use as mentioned above. The remaining leaves can be added to honey to make a mask.

4. Apply Aloe Vera: Salicylic acid and sulfur in aloe vera, both help in the treatment of acne. Scrape the gel from the aloe plant and apply directly onto clean skin as a moisturizer. Since aloe vera is extremely natural and free of side-effects, it can be used on a daily basis (even 2 times a day). As an alternative, you may buy aloe vera gels available in the market but make sure that they are free of added ingredients.

5. Apply Jojoba Oil: Properties of jojoba oil may help repair damaged skin, reduce inflammation, redness, swelling around pimples or other inflamed lesions. Thus, may help in the treatment of acne. Mix jojoba oil with a gel, cream or clay face mask and apply it on to acne. Alternatively, take a few drops of jojoba oil on a cotton ball and evenly rub over acne spots. Use the method regularly, as and when needed.

6. Apply Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix 1 part of apple cider vinegar with about 3 parts of water (increase water quantity for sensitive skin). Apply this mixture to the skin using a cotton ball after cleansing your skin. Wash after 5-20 seconds depending on the skin status at the point of usage. Pat dry. Can be used on a daily basis or lesser frequency, as needed.

Note: Apple cider vinegar is very potent so it should always be used in small amounts and diluted with water.

7. Apply Tea Tree Oil: Mix 1 part of tea tree oil with about 9 parts of water. Apply this mixture onto the skin and follow up with a moisturizer if required. Use on a daily basis on lesser frequently, as needed.

Note: Tea tree oil is very potent, so it should be highly diluted before application on to the skin. Alternatively, tea tree oil wipes are a great option for easier usage.

8. Supplements to Support:

a. Zinc: Though there is no established dosage of zinc for acne treatment, it is believed that a dose of about 30-45mg of elemental zinc per day can be beneficial. However, it is best if this can be discussed with your healthcare professional. Since the skin does not absorb zinc, oral consumption of zinc is the way. Elemental zinc refers to the amount of zinc that is present in the compound. Zinc is available in many forms, and each one contains a different amount of elemental zinc. Zinc oxide contains the highest amount of elemental zinc at 80%.

b. Fish Oil: Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (types of omega-3 fatty acids) present in fish oils manage oil production, maintain hydration levels, prevent inflammation, thus acne. There is no specific recommended daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids, but most health organizations recommend healthy adults consume a minimum of 250-500 mg of combined EPA and DHA daily. Natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, sardines, anchovies, walnuts, chia seeds, and ground flaxseeds.

9. Simple Lifestyle Changes: Lastly, just a few mindful lifestyle changes can make a notable difference. Though diet does not play a major role, pay attention to what you eat. Cut down on dairy products, junk, oily, refined, preserved, fried foods, and smoking. Garlic is recommended. Water is one of THE best natural remedies to have healthy skin and health. Drink a minimum of 4ltrs of water every day. Stress, lack of sufficient quality sleep can also lead to skin breakouts. Regular exercising helps the release of excess sweat, in the process, cleans out pores helping in reduction of acne. Avoid touching your pimples – your hands may not always be clean and touching the acne may aggravate the condition.


Written by MedPlus