
How To Improve Your Gut Health?

Our body is comprised of many cells. There are millions and trillions of cells in our body. It is surprising to know that there are more bacteria in the human body as compared to the number of cells. Bacteria are broadly classified into two types: good and bad. Good bacteria is known as the microbiome which is present in the ‘Gut’ and on the skin. The microbiomes present in the gut are known as gut bacteria or gut microbiomes. In this article, we are going to know in detail how gut bacteria play a major role in digestion. What are the steps to improve gut bacteria?

What is Gut Health?

The gut is nothing but the gastrointestinal tract. Gut health refers to the physical state and physiological function of the gastrointestinal tract. It includes the stomach, small intestine, and colon. Gut mirobiome plays a crucial role in mental and physical health. These microbiomes are responsible for the digestion of our food. It has a significant impact on how we feel day today. The gut transports the food from mouth to stomach. It converts the food into absorbable nutrients and stored energy. It shuttles waste back out of the body.

In recent studies, it is discovered that the GI system has an even bigger, more complex job. It is also linked to many aspects of health that have seemingly nothing to do with digestion. Besides, it is also linked to immunity, emotional stress, and chronic illnesses. It is also related to diseases like cancer and Type 2 diabetes.

Why is Gut Health Important?

In healthy people, there are many microbiomes. Most of these microbiomes are bacteria, but there are fungi, viruses, and other microbes as well. Scientists can’t able to prove whether bacteria influence disease risk or the existing disease influences gut bacteria. Everyone has a unique microbiome in the gut. But there are a few generalities about what is healthy and what is not healthy.

Some bacteria fight inflammation while others promote it. When the gut works normally, these two bacteria types keep each other in check. But when this delicate balance gets skewed, inflammatory bacteria can produce metabolites. These metabolites pass through the lining of the gut and into the bloodstream. These metabolites spread inflammation all over the body.

Some specific gut bacteria can lead to other conditions as well. Both animal and human studies stated that some bacteria are linked to lower immune function, and a few others cause a greater risk of getting asthma and allergies. These bacteria can also cause chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and cancers.

Gut health is linked to anxiety, depression, and neurological conditions like schizophrenia and dementia. Gut bacteria makeup varies between lean and overweight people because it plays a primary role in causing obesity in the first place.

What Affects Gut Microbiome?

Our daily food plays a prominent role in gut bacteria makeup. It is also responsible for many other factors including the nature of birth. Breastfeeding has also been found to promote the growth of good bacteria in the stomach. The environment that we grow up in matters too. More exposure to germs and bacteria can strengthen our gut microbiomes. Going outside, playing with animals, digging in the dirt all help to improve gut health.

Emotional stress affects gut bacteria. Scientists refer that the “gut-brain axis,” a pathway between gut and brain through which the signals can affect neurotransmitters and vice versa. A person’s microbiome and mental state influence each other up to some extent.

Over-the-counter painkillers and drugs treat acid reflux, diabetes, and psychiatric conditions, that link to microbiome changes. But antibiotics are the best-known gut-altering drugs. These antibiotics kill harmful bacteria in the body. Unfortunately, antibiotics also wipe out bacteria of all kinds.

How to Improve Gut Bacteria?

Gut health foods improve the gut microbiome. Many foods have probiotics known as good bacteria present in the gut.


Consuming cultured dairy products like yogurt introduces healthy bacteria into the gut. Those bacteria may not be there in the gut, but they can have positive effects even while passing through.

Fermented Foods

To boost the probiotics in the gut, people choose to take probiotic supplements. Apart from the probiotics, fermented foods are a natural source of probiotics. In addition to this, fermented vegetables, kefir, kimchi, and miso help the probiotics in the gut.

Reduce Sugar Intake

Eating excess sugar and artificial sweeteners causes gut dysbiosis. Gut dysbiosis is an imbalance of gut microbes. Moreover, excess sugar intake influences brain behavior. Aspartame an artificial sweetener increases bacterial strains linked with metabolic disease. Artificial sweeteners may also increase blood sugar despite not being sugar.


Cooking with spices like garlic, ginger, and turmeric makes your meals delicious. But, it can also curb the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut. These spices contain powerful antibacterial chemicals.

Prebiotic Fibers

Prebiotics are fibers that aren’t digestible in the body but can help good bacteria grow in the gut. Probiotics are live microorganisms and yeast that are good for the digestive system. Prebiotic fibers may help probiotics become more tolerant to environmental conditions and temperature changes. People who want to enhance their gut health eat bananas, garlic, onions, whole grains in their diet.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains plant-based molecules and fiber called polyphenols. These two compounds are difficult for the intestines to digest. So, the compounds travel deep into the gut. In the gastrointestinal tract, microbes ferment and metabolize the molecules. This process releases health-promoting anti-inflammatory chemicals.


Do you ever hear that antibiotics can throw your microbiome from your intestine? It’s true to an extent, as antibiotics have a habit of destroying microbes in your gut. There here is no other alternative to avoid antibiotics. But instead of avoiding them, it is better to counteract the effects. Eat a diverse diet or take probiotic foods to counteract the antibiotics.

So, after reading this article, you get an idea of how gut health is essential to the body. What are the efficient methods to increase your gut microbiome through food? Take a probiotic-rich diet and improve the gut bacteria. After following the above steps still having deficiency in probiotics get probiotic medicines at online Indian pharmacy. These medicines help you get instant probiotics.

Written by Jagannadh Ch