It is not uncommon for most people, particularly in the Indian subcontinent. More so in the rice-consuming southern states to get anxious as they cross the age of forty. Any disturbance in their health like feeling tired, excessive sweating, etc.…
It is not uncommon for most people, particularly in the Indian subcontinent. More so in the rice-consuming southern states to get anxious as they cross the age of forty. Any disturbance in their health like feeling tired, excessive sweating, etc.…
If you are an adult male over fifty years of age and suffer from problems with urinating, like hesitancy (taking a lot of time for urine to start flowing), impaired flow, urinary retention (some urine left after voiding), discomfort while passing…
A migraine headache is a pulsating pain that usually affects one or both sides of the head. This excruciating pain is made worse by physical activity and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to sounds, light, and or odors.…
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that results in decreased bone mass and density. It leads to weak, thin, and fragile bones with increased susceptibility to fracture. Osteoporosis leads to a porous bone structure that is highly compressible. This results in…
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that is chronic in nature that affects the small joints in the hands and feet. This disease affects the lining of joints resulting in painful swelling that can cause bone erosion along with joint…
A placebo is an inert substance dosage form that does not contain an active drug ingredient. It results in a positive health outcome due to the anticipation that it will help the patient. A doctor’s way of interaction may also…