
9 Ways To Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

For the longest time, low-fat diets and low-cholesterol levels have been best known to prevent heart diseases and avoid other associated complications. However, progress in medical studies has resulted in a shift in focus from totally cutting down on fat consumption to reducing trans-fat and increasing intake of omega-3 fats, and balancing between saturated and unsaturated fats. On the other hand, cholesterol is not always bad. Our body requires good cholesterol and we need to be cautious about bad cholesterol. In this article, we will learn mainly about the different ways to lower your cholesterol naturally.

9 ways to lower your cholesterol naturally

Diet and exercise! We are back at the same once again. Well, mostly any health condition can improve through a workout and eating the right foods. A good lifestyle is half the work complete. Certain foods and lifestyle habits can be very powerful in modifying your cholesterol levels and thus improving heart health. Let us read them through:

1. Turmeric for Cholesterol: 

It is an easy way to reduce cholesterol naturally fast.  Turmeric roots contain curcumin which helps lower any kind of inflammation, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol – more details on this as we go ahead). It can increase your good HDL cholesterol levels and also help prevent arterial plaque formation–getting a better place in your cholesterol ratio. There are various ways to include turmeric in your diet.

2. Consume Magnesium-Rich Foods:

Magnesium is another anti-inflammatory blessing that helps to lower LDL cholesterol. To experience the positive effects, you’ll want to aim for 400 mg per day in your diet. But you must increase your intake slowly, and it’s recommended to avoid the scoots (diarrhea). Some great sources of magnesium are avocado, black beans, swiss chard, beet greens, almonds, figs, bananas, and dark chocolate. Those who enjoy spinach taste can use this interesting snack to use magnesium as a way to reduce cholesterol naturally fast: spinach plus 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds; and gulp! Pumpkin seeds are also a commonly liked choice among people.

3. Up Your Soluble Fiber:

Soluble fibers are a happy, easy way how to lower cholesterol levels fast. Flax seeds and chia seeds are great sources of soluble fibers. Our digestive tract absorbs soluble fiber liquid. So when we eat chia/flax, lesser LDL ends up floating thus helping reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the body. By adding just two-three tablespoons of chia seeds, our dietitian has seen her patients lower their LDL cholesterol levels in their diets every day.

Chia seeds are a must-have  for various other health reasons

4. 1000mg Omega-3 Everyday

Omegas are another natural ways to lower your cholesterol levels. Omega-3s can help raise good HDL cholesterol due to the presence of the essential fatty acids and lower bad LDL type of cholesterol. If you’re not able to get enough requirement of Omega-3s, consider taking a supplement in your diet through flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, or walnuts.

….And some flax seeds 

5. Focus on Monounsaturated Fats

Monounsaturated fats help to reduce the oxidation of lipoproteins, the protein which contributes to clogged arteries present in our heart. Overall, monounsaturated fats are considered healthy because they increase good HDL cholesterol, reduce harmful oxidation and decrease harmful LDL cholesterol. So focusing on monosaturated fats is another gateway to how to lower cholesterol naturally.

Now, what are a few common sources of foods for monosaturated fats? Here are a few: tree nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, olives, pecans, hazelnuts, cashews, olive oil, canola oil, avocados, etc… Avocados are superfoods with multiple benefits 

6. Exercise Daily 

Exercise is a win-win situation for multiple health conditions. Not only does it help combat obesity, promote good heart health, and improve physical fitness, but is also one of the natural ways to lower your cholesterol levels. The best part, it suitably increases the beneficial HDL and reduces the harmful LDL.

Ideally, about 75% of its maximum should raise the rate of the heart through aerobic activity. Even modest intensity can cause a decrease in LDL through Resistance exercise. It also increases HDL at maximum effort. Increasing the number of repetitions or sets increases the benefit.

7. Lose Body Fat:

Dieting influences the way your body produces and absorbs cholesterol. Any of the diets for fat loss decreased the creation of new cholesterol in the body and increased the absorption of cholesterol from the diet. During weight loss over six months, a study of 35 young women showed decreased creation of new cholesterol in the body. Overall, increasing beneficial HDL and decreasing harmful LDL and weight or fat loss has a double benefit on cholesterol.

8. Quit smoking: 

Yet another very important way how to lower cholesterol naturally without medication is to quit smoking. Smoking is more dangerous than most realize and it’s important to note all the side effects of smoking. In several ways, smoking can increase the risk of heart disease. One of these is the reason for changing how the body handles the amount of cholesterol. In smokers, the immune cells are unable to return cholesterol for transport to the liver from vessel walls to the blood. This damage is related to the tar of tobacco rather than the chemical element nicotine. These dysfunctional work of our immune cells may contribute to smokers to the faster development of clogged arteries.

Fortunately, one can reverse these harmful effects by giving up smoking. If you are struggling to quit smoking, smoking cessation patches may be a good idea for you to try

9. Consider plant stanols and sterols:

For managing cholesterol, multiple types of supplements have been promising in how to lower cholesterol levels fast. Plant sterols and stanols are plant versions of cholesterol. They absorb from the diet because they resemble cholesterol. However, human cholesterol does not contribute to clogged arteries because parts of their chemistry are different. Instead, by competing with human cholesterol, they reduce cholesterol levels.


Cholesterol has a much more important function in the body but can cause heart disease and clogged arteries when it gets out of control in consumption.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) contributes most to heart disease and is prone to free radical damage. In contrast, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), by carrying cholesterol away from vessel walls and back to the liver, protects against heart disease.

Unsaturated fats, soluble fiber, plant stanols, and sterols can decrease bad LDL and increase good HDL.

If you suspect having cholesterol, have yourself checked with your doctor about your cholesterol levels. A simple draw of blood, taken after a fast overnight, is all that’s required. But better be safe than sorry. Realizing it on time will be of great help.

Written by Our Team