
Best Foods to Prevent Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Hemorrhoids are most commonly referred to as piles. They are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum. The condition can cause a lot of discomforts, pain, and bleeding. When hemorrhoids (piles) develop inside the rectum, it is called internal hemorrhoids and when it develops around the anus, it is called external hemorrhoids. Just some basic lifestyle changes and certain home remedies can make a great difference in the treatment or improvement of the condition of piles.

Intake of foods that are rich in fiber helps you to reduce the intensity of piles. Fibers and healthy liquids play a key role in diminishing symptoms. Below is a list of foods that you can have, to prevent piles and also improve the existing condition.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids depend on the types of Hemorrhoids in consideration.

1.External Hemorrhoids:

a) Itching/irritation in the anal region

b) Swelling around the anus

c) Pain and discomfort

d) Bleeding

2.Internal Hemorrhoids:

a) Strain in the anus while passing stool

b) Irritation in the anal region while passing stool

c) Generally no pain

d) Painless bleeding

3.Thrombosed Hemorrhoids:

a) Severe pain

b) Swelling

c) Inflammation

d) Hard lump near the anal region

Causes of Hemorrhoids

The possible causes of Hemorrhoids are noted to be:

a) Obesity

b) Pregnancy

c) Anal intercourse

d) Intake of low fiber diet

e) Regularly lifting heavy things

f) Chronic diarrhea or constipation

g) Sitting on the toilet for longer period

Foods to Eat to Prevent Hemorrhoids

1.Fiber Supplements:

Most often, people do not get sufficient fiber through their regular diet and this increases their chances of being a victim of hemorrhoids. On average, one should get 0-30 grams of fiber every day. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are common and easily available foods that are rich in fibers. Have plenty of them; they help in softening the stool and aids easy defecation. Additionally, fibers also reduce gas in the body.


a) Cucumbers

b) Watermelons

c) Pears – eat them with the peel

d) An average apple contains nearly 5 grams of fiber

e) One banana typically provides 3 grams of fiber


a) Broccoli

b) Other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale, radishes, turnips, and cabbage

c) Root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, turnips, beets, rutabagas, carrots, and potatoes

Whole Grains:

a) Whole grains are nutritional powerhouses which include whole-wheat flour, barley, corn, quinoa, brown rice, whole rye, and oats. All these can help improve digestion and aids in reducing pain and discomfort during defecation.

b) Drink Fluids: Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water or other healthy, natural liquids helps to avoid the hardening of the stools. Thus always ensure that you stay hydrated throughout the day which is step 1 to reduce the chances of constipation.

Foods to Avoid:

Dairy products, wheat flour, red meat, process meat, fried foods, salty foods are some of the foods that you must avoid since they kind of act as catalysts to piles. Additionally, avoid spicy foods, caffeinated beverages, and alcohol.

However, if the above-mentioned foods do not have an impact on you, you might need a doctor immediately for help in the future.

Written by Our Team