
Anosmia (Loss of Smell) – Know its Causes and Treatment

The medical term for “loss of smell” is ‘Anosmia’. Anosmia is a condition where partial or complete loss of smell. This condition could be either temporary or permanent. Temporary anosmia is usually due to irritation caused on the nose lining caused due to allergies/cold.

Causes of Anosmia:

Anosmia usually occurs due to swellings or blockages in the nose which prevent odor from entering the nose. Alternatively, it occurs due to the failure in the system that sends signals from the nose to the brain. Let us see the prime causes in detail:

1. Sinus infection

2. Common cold

3. Smoking

4. Flu or influenza

5. Allergies, allergic rhinitis

6. Chronic congestion not related to allergies (known-allergic rhinitis)

Anosmia caused due to common cold usually leads to partial anosmia and this case usually subsides by itself when the cold subsides. In case of blocked nasal passage, air cannot pass through the nose which is probably due to:

1. Tumors

2. Nasal Polyps

3. Bone deformities inside the nose or a nasal septum

In case of damage to the brain or any nerve, the receptors in the nose that contribute to carrying the information from the nose to the brain might be damaged. This may cause the patient not to smell. This damage in receptors could happen due to various reasons such as:

1. Growing old

2. Alzheimer’s disease

3. Diabetes

4. Brain tumors

5. Huntington’s disease

6. Hormonal problems

7. Under-active thyroid

8. Medications including some antibiotics, and hypertensive medicines

9. Multiple sclerosis

10. Parkinson’s disease

11. Schizophrenia

12. Epilepsy

13. Exposure to the chemicals that irritate the nose

14. Brain or head injury

15. Vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition

16. Radiation therapy

17. Long-term use of alcohol

18. Stroke

Diagnosis of Anosmia:

Loss of smell is immeasurable. Your doctor will examine your nose, current symptoms, and health history and may also perform a complete physical examination of your body. Some frequently used tests are:

1. CT scans – which use x-rays to create a detailed image of the brain.

2. MRI scans – which use magnets and radio waves to view the brain.

3. Nasal endoscopy to view the internal side of the nose.

4. X-ray of the skull.

Complications of the Condition:

1. People with anosmia generally lose interest to eat which leads to malnutrition and weight loss

2. People with this condition should make sure to have a functioning smoke alarm (a device that senses smoke) at all times in their homes.

Necessary Precautions:

1. Pick the items that are properly labeled with expiry dates

2. Always read labels on chemicals for kitchen cleaners and insecticides

Treatment For Anosmia:

Treatment is given based on the cause. If anosmia persists even after your cold is healed, you might want to consult your doctor. Treatment for Anosmia if affected with nasal irritation includes:

1. Decongestants

2. Antihistamines

3. Steroid nasal sprays

4. Antibiotics for bacterial infection

5. Reducing exposure to nasal irritants and allergens

6. Discontinue smoking

If anosmia is caused by a nasal obstruction that can be treated by removing the particle that obstructs your nasal passage. This involves the removal of nasal polyps, straightening the nasal septum, or clearing out the sinuses. Old people get affected by anosmia permanently. Currently, there is no treatment for congenital anosmia.

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