
Eat Your Way to Health

Healthy eating habits with regular moderate exercise are the centerpiece for a better lifestyle and a long lifespan. To establish a good health pattern, it is important to understand the types of food and the nutritional requirements that our body needs.

Health Eating Habits:

Healthy eating helps to manage weight including a variety of healthy foods. Add a set of colors to the plate. Dark, leafy greens, tomatoes, and oranges are rich in nutrients, fibers, and minerals. Adding frozen peppers, onions, or broccoli to omelets and stews gives a quick and convenient boost of color and nutrients. The foods we eat can broadly be divided into three types: energy-rich foods, body-building foods, and protective foods.

1. Energy-rich Foods

Energy-rich foods are the main food source. They provide enough fuel to our body and aid us to perform daily activities. Energy-rich foods are high in carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are the primary and instant source of energy for our body. They power every system in the body, including the brain, heart, muscles, and all internal organs. They can be classified into simple or complex based on the complexity of the sugars they contain and the number of steps required to break them down before they can be utilized by the body.

Simple carbohydrates are ready to absorb and enter your bloodstream very quickly. They act as instant fuel. Avoid carbohydrates except in high activity states. As all excess carbohydrate gets converted to fat and gets stored in the body. Complex carbohydrates take time to absorb and digest to provide more energy. Whole-grain bread, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and vegetables are rich in complex carbohydrates. They are also rich in important nutrients like vitamins and minerals. The other source of fuel for the body is fat. The body uses fat as a source of energy to exhaust the available carbohydrates.

Related read: 10 Benefits of Eating Healthy Food

2. Body-building Foods

Body-building foods are the ones that make our bodies strong. They help in building the muscles and bones. They also help in the repair of damaged or aging tissues. Protein-rich foods are the primary source of body-building foods. Taking a sufficient amount of protein diet is more important for our body. An insufficient amount of protein intake causes many health issues. Low protein intake can lead to poor health like tiredness, fatigue, and muscle wasting. The main sources of proteins are meat, fish, poultry, lentils, beans, and milk products. Not only dairy products and meat but proteins are also rich in vegetables and greens. Protein is also present in different vegetarian diets. Spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms, pulses, nuts, amaranth, grains, and oilseeds are rich in proteins.

3. Protective Foods

Protective foods, the name itself denotes that these foods protect our body free from harmful infections, deficiency disorders, and cancers. Some of these nutrients are vital in performing many cell functions. Protective foods contain generous amounts of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. They provide a natural defense against a wide range of diseases. These foods also contain abundant antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are byproducts of aging and metabolism. They can cause tissue damage and cancer-like conditions if unchecked. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains are the primary sources of vitamins and minerals. Spices and green tea are good sources of antioxidants.

To grow strong and remain healthy, it is necessary to choose foods from each of the groups every day. While choosing your food: Aim for balance, look for variety, and practice moderation.

Written by MedPlus